There is no spoon
Legacy:Texture Properties
Shows properties for a Texture (UT). Multiple instances of this window can be opened by right-clicking a texture in the Texture Browser.
See also
Note: This page contains the properties of UT textures. See Texture for the list of properties available for UT2003 textures.
- AnimNext
- Next texture in an animated texture sequence.
- PrimeCount
- Number of frames that are pre-rendered before the texture is displayed the first time; that's useful for dynamic textures that need to "build up" at startup (FireTextures, for instance).
- MinFrameRate, MaxFrameRate
- Frame rate for animated textures. These two properties specify the range of possible frame rates the engine can choose from; it attempts to automatically select an animation frame rate to minimize aliasing artefacts which lead to the effect of a texture animation not looking smooth. (If you want to enforce a particular frame rate, set both properties to the same value.) If set to zero, the animation is played with the user's game frame rate.
- bHighColorQuality
- High color quality hint.
- bHighTextureQuality
- High color quality hint.
- LODSet
Note: the class script says "out of date" here.
- BumpMap
- Bump map to illuminate this texture with.
- DetailTexture
- Detail texture to apply.
- MacroTexture
- Macrotexture to apply, not currently used.
- FootstepSound
- Footstep sound.
- HitSound
- Sound when the texture is hit with a projectile.
Surface properties[edit]
- Diffuse
- Diffuse lighting coefficient.
- Specular
- Specular lighting coefficient.
- Alpha
- Alpha.
- DrawScale
- Scaling relative to parent.
- Friction
- Surface friction coefficient, 1.0=none, 0.95=some.
- MipMult
- Mipmap multiplier.
Xian: Is HitSound actually working ? I assigned a sound to a texture from teh editor, saved the texture package etc., but as I shot it, no sound came out (and yes, as yo uexpected, I mean UE1). So there are 2 situations, I didn't do something (or did it wrong), or it isn't implemented in UE1. If anyone succeeded at doing this, I'd appreciate some feedback.
Xian: Hmm... upon further tests, a texture that had a footstep sound reacted to it being shot and playing the footstep sound (which didn't sound as bad). But setting footstep sounds didn't apply to all textures... strange :(